Stick Horse Rodeo and Montana Winter Fair - View Photo Album from Stick Horse Rodeo
It was my first official event! My mom and I left for Lewistown Montana, a 5 hour 6 minute drive, at around 3 pm. We turned on the tunes, got some good old road candy and hit the road.
We arrived in Lewistown around 9 o’clock. Kate Ruland had kindly offered her house for us to stay in, but unfortunately due to my cat allergies we weren’t able to do that. Luckily the Yogo Inn had a room available and we crashed there for the night.
I woke up the next morning and started the process of getting ready. We arrived at the Fairgrounds at about 10:15, right on time! The arena was already filled with tons of kids running around on their stick ponies. Now this arena was heated, but did I mention the high for that day was about 4 degrees!!! It wasn’t the warmest environment I’ve ever been in, but let me tell you it was all worth it!! The Stick Horse Rodeo was a blast! These kids, all 68 of them, really got into it! They started by crowning the Prince and Princess of the rodeo, and that was followed by a grand entry. Lesli and I lead the grand entry and also demonstrated how to do each event, even though these kids were already pro’s!! The rodeo consisted of Barrel Racing, Steer Roping, and my officially new favorite kiddie rodeo event, Bull Dogging! In bull dogging the kids ride their horses up to a bale of straw, jump off of their horses and push over the straw bale. It was so much fun to watch!
After the Kiddie Rodeo ended Mary Knerr, our hostess for the day, treated Lesli and me to a great lunch at the 4 Aces in Lewistown. My hands were basically icicles now, so any place warm sounded amazing! The food was great and I warmed up really fast. Followed by lunch we headed back over to the Fair Grounds to take a tour of the booths. There were so many interesting booths, I couldn’t believe it. After touring the booths we went to draw for the lucky person who would get a handmade quilt. Lesli quickly entered her name 5 times before the drawing, the quilt looked like a perfect traveling buddy!! The last thing on our list to do was help with the “Death by Chocolate” auction. Those cakes and other chocolate treats looked sooooo good!!
I had such a great time! It was so much fun to have Lesli there and it was an all around good time. I can’t wait to go back to Lewistown, it was such a fun town, I just hope it’s a little warmer next time I go!!!
God Bless